Welcome! Willkommen! Bienvenu! Bienvenuti! Bainvegni!
After an amazing event in 2014, we’re happy to announce that WordCamp Switzerland 2015 is officially on the calendar!
What is WordCamp?
WordCamps are the official WordPress events around the world. They are informal, community-organized events that are put together by WordPress users like you.

Who is it for?
Everyone from casual users, small and big bloggers, designers to developers participate, share ideas, and get to know each other. In 2014, over 200 people got together, be it as users, designers, developers or otherwise. 97% of people who attended in 2014 said they’d come back so make sure you get your place!

When is it?
This year, WordCamp Switzerland will be on September 19 at the same location as last year, in the heart of Zurich. We’re also organizing a contributor day again, which will happen on September 20.
Get ready for an even more exciting WordCamp Switzerland, featuring distinguished speakers and a variety of interesting topics touching on blogging, design, and programming on the WordPress platform.
We’re now actively looking for sponsors and volunteers, so if you’re interested in that get in touch with us! Want to hold a talk? We let you know as soon as possible when the call for papers is open.
Subscribe now to our newsletter to stay up to date on the most recent news. We’ll be keeping you posted on all the details over the coming months, including speaker submissions, ticket sales and more!
What can I expect?
As soon as you walk in, you’ll get the official WordCamp T-shirt, you will receive lunch for free and we also have an after-party! Between all that and at the core of the WordCamp, we have sessions by leaders in the WordPress community talking on everything from design, development and to this growing business.
WordCamp is made possible by these incredible Sponsors! We still have a few sponsor slots open, have your company power this open source event.
Outstanding Global Community Sponsors

can supercharge your self-hosted site with a suite of the most powerful WordPress.com features. jetpack.me
WordCamp Multi-Event-Sponsor Level: Outstanding
Inpsyde GmbH

Inpsyde GmbH
Inpsyde is the greatest WordPress agency in German-speaking countries for WordPress enterprise solutions. Our multilingual world often needs polyglot and complex websites and Inpsyde supports you to reach this goals. MultilingualPress is an awesome and free lugin, which backs WordPress core functions, is extraordinary in performance and language specific SEO. In addition we develope MultiWoo as an enhancement for e-commerce solutions on the basis of MultilingualPress: sync your stock, combine shopping carts and enable a comprehensive warehouse management. Our high quality training courses and our professional maintenance services will fit your needs and they’re sustainable, reliable and give you certainty and continuity.
Don’t hesitate to speak with us about your vision – we’ll create it with you. inpsyde.com
Cyon GmbH

Cyon GmbH
cyon is one of the leading web hosting providers in Switzerland. Based in beautiful Basel we’re offering blazing fast web hosting and cloud servers tailored to smaller and bigger websites, agencies and geeks. Our hand crafted my.cyon makes managing web hosting accounts, cloud servers and domains hassle-free. All backed by our fast, friendly and experienced in-house support. cyon.ch
comotive GmbH

comotive GmbH
Das Team von Martin Ott und Michael Sebel liefert massgeschneiderte Websites, setzt komplexe Onlineshop-Projekte um und programmiert Apps fürs Smartphone. Unser Full-Service-Angebot runden wir mit unkompliziertem Support und individuellen Hosting-Angeboten ab. comotive.ch
MH Themes

MH Themes – Premium Magazine WordPress Themes
MH Themes is a provider of Premium WordPress Themes, specialized in Magazine WordPress Themes. MH Themes offers the perfect solution for online magazines, news websites, blogs and other editorial websites. Theme Development is focusing on modern, appealing and elegant designs as well as on clean and responsive code. WordPress Themes by MH Themes are highly flexible and adaptable in many different ways. MH Themes provides high-quality WordPress themes and excellent customer support to assist users in creating professional, customized and beautiful websites. mhthemes.com
Big Bite Creative

Big Bite Creative
are a Digital Studio for the Technology Industry. Specialising in enterprise level WordPress development. They maintain serval open source projects including Herbert (getherbert.com), Suzie (getsuzie.com), Ship (ship.getherbert.com) and Peggy (getpeggy.com) bigbitecreative.com

Offering scalable and completely managed WordPress solutions, WeLoveWP is your partner for small to enterprise size projects. Started in 2012 as Germanys first completely managed WordPress hosting provider, today we offer smart outsourcing solutions for freelancers, agencies as well as large scale web projects. Deliver solutions to your customers instead of “just a website”: Base your business on our proven managed WordPress environment and profit all the way. Let’s team up to do what we can do best: WordPress! welovewp.eu

is an elite network of the best freelance software engineers in the world, all of whom must pass a rigorous screening process to be admitted, and its community operates from 93+ countries and hosts frequent meetups, tech talks, and conferences all across the world. With backing from Andreessen Horowitz, Adam D’Angelo of Quora, and others, Toptal connects thousands of elite freelance developers to over 2,000 clients including large enterprise companies such as J.P. Morgan and Pfizer, tech companies such as Airbnb and Zendesk, and numerous startups, providing world-class software solutions that meet the most complex and challenging requirements. toptal.com

is a copywriting and translation agency. More than 600 selected copywriters, writers, translators and editors provide copy that is a pleasure to read. Founded in 2005, Supertext ranked among the top 100 European technology start-ups as early as 2008. More than 2,500 companies use our online services. Not only can they order and manage their copywriting and translation projects online, they also benefit from our technical expertise and intelligent use of translation memories, term bases, online workflow integration and translation plugins for CMS like WordPress and Drupal. Today, 25 full-time members of staff coordinate the work of more than 600 copywriters, proofreaders and translators for national and international clients from all industries. Supertext takes care of 900-1,200 projects every month and is one of the most innovative language services in Europe. supertext.ch

Hostpoint AG
We are the largest web hosting provider in Switzerland and the registrar for all of your domains. But that’s just a big number. What we’re really proud of is our customers – the big fish and the numerous small gems. hostpoint.ch/

is your Premium WordPress Hosting company from Germany. Dedicated to the best WordPress performance possible, we join fast, reliable and secure infrastructure and a SaaS management application. That allows you to pull all the strings necessary to manage your WordPress website. raidboxes.de
Human Made

Human Made
We’re a leading technical WordPress agency and WordPress.com VIP Partner based around the globe. We provide development & consultancy for large-scale sites and big name clients worldwide. We’ve done WordPress with Airbnb, Skype, Sony, News Corp and many more. Talk to us for your next enterprise project in Switzerland or beyond.

SiteGround has over 10 years in providing premier managed WordPress hosting! Their servers are optimized for ultimate WordPress speed and security, and provide many extras for the WordPress fans – autoupdates for the core and the plugins, SuperCacher for speed acceleration, staging tool and autoinstaller – all crafted by the SiteGround team. They are also involved with the WordPress community by speaking, supporting and attending many WordCamps around the world. This year they openеd an office in Spain and WordCamp Europe, Sevilla is a great chance to meet them in person! siteground.com
Walter lernt

Walter lernt
is an innovative, German-speaking course platform based in Zürich. With courses in small classes we help people and small companies getting started with WordPress. But we don’t stop there: video production, product photography, web strategy and online shops are only some of the other courses we offer. We are a team of friendly humans who love to lend you an ear and share our knowledge. walterlernt.ch

At Yoast, we help you optimize your website for SEO, conversion, and site speed, often using our WordPress plugins. Apart from our plugins, we also offer eBooks to help you optimize your website yourself. And if you need more specific help from us, you can have us do a Website Review. We make websites more usable, easier to navigate, faster and more reliable. In other words: we make websites work. Not just for the owner, but for the visitor. The added bonus is that if you do all that right, a website becomes easier to find as well. yoast.com

cubetech is the leading WordPress web agency located in Bern. We create state-of-the-art digital web experiences by combining interdisciplinary know-how from our selected team members. To achieve our long-term quality goals, we design and develop entire websites including custom WordPress plugins of any complexity fitting our customers needs. https://www.cubetech.ch/
Dream Production AG

Dream Production
Dream Production ist eine Digitalagentur für Web- und Mobile Entwicklung. Wir unterstützen Brands und Agenturen in der Umsetzung von anspruchsvollen digitalen Strategien und Projekten. dreamproduction.com
required gmbh

We are a UX & WordPress Agency from Switzerland & Germany.
Our focus lays on Interaction Design, mobile web & apps, WordPress. We help agencies deliver on time, we design and develop websites and web applications for our clients and we build products that we love for people we care about. Find out more about us: required.com
internezzo ag

internezzo ag
Technisch weiter, menschlich näher: Das ist internezzo, die Schweizer Agentur für Online-Kommunikation. Unsere Kernkompetenz liegt in der Konzeption und Realisierung von TYPO3-Webseiten und -Intranetauftritten, Webapplikationen, Online-Shops, Blogs und im Hosting. Unsere Kunden profitieren von einer individuellen Beratung und persönlichen Betreuung aus einer Hand. internezzo.ch
Psetta Online Marketing GmbH

Psetta Online Marketing GmbH
Psetta is like a fish in an ocean of opportunities. Don’t worry, we help you find your way around those sharks.
We offer Front-/Backend WordPress development, UX Design, online marketing campaigns as well as SEO optimization and Google Adwords campaigns.
Give us a „Blup” to find out more. psetta.ch
Openstream Internet Solutions

Openstream Internet Solutions
Wir gestalten Webseiten nicht nur im Hinblick auf ansprechendes Design, sondern auch unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Suchmaschinenoptimierung. openstream.ch

is a powerful and easy to use Content Delivery Network (CDN) made to satisfy your needs!
Speed up your games, software delivery, advertisements, CMS, websites and many more. keycdn.com
Station AG

Station AG
Station is a leading Swiss agency for digital communication located in Zurich. Our range of capabilities includes websites, campaigns and apps, as well as online shops, games and social media. Station has realized more than 500 projects for national and international clients. By uniting creativity and efficiency, our 25 people ensures top quality results. station.ch

Websites mit GetSimple CMS und WordPress. clickwork.ch

Run by Brin Wilson, WinningWP is an award-winning website offering an excellent selection of helpful tips, tricks and resources — such as an insightful beginner’s ‘Guide to Choosing the Best WordPress Hosting‘ and an extensive (and beautifully designed) ‘Where To Buy Top-Quality WordPress Themes‘ directory — for people who love, you guessed it: WordPress. If you haven’t already, check it out at WinningWP.com.

walsermedia AG
is an internet agency for web design & development. We create modern and high quality websites based on the latest standards.
Located in the Principality of Liechtenstein (in the heart of Europe) we work for both local and international clients. www.walsermedia.com
Mad Lemmings

Mad Lemmings
helps business get more customers by building amazing WordPress websites that sell. madlemmings.com

Design is how IT works. rapttor.com
Collectif WP

opened this year and is dedicated to WordPress in the French speaking Switzerland as well as neighbouring France. This collective unites different people of the WordPress community, in order to offer information, professional list and their services, courses and events. Among other goals, is the desire to give-back to WordPress, specially to the French speakers, by different means as meetups, translation and documentation effort, and event sponsoring. collectifwp.ch
Webhosting Vergleich

Webhosting Vergleich
Der unabhängige Webhostingvergleich für die Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland. webhostingvergleich.eu

Weblotion ist eine WordPress-Webagentur der ersten Stunde aus Zürich. Wir designen und programmieren up-to-date WordPress Websites. Auch bieten wir einen WordPress Update und Security Service an. weblotion.ch

Smarte Webseiten aus Leidenschaft – Innovativ. Jung. Kreativ. web-elements.ch

zählt zu den führenden Dienstleistern für E-Commerce und Online-Kommunikation in der Deutschland und der Schweiz und besticht durch eine offene und partnerschaftliche Unternehmenskultur. Verantwortung, Selbstständigkeit, Ehrgeiz und Engagement zeichnen unsere über 450 Mitarbeitenden an 6 Standorten aus. namics.com

auf pixolum finden Sie den richtigen Fotografen oder Visagisten für Ihr Projekt – in Ihrem Budget.. Wir bieten eine professionelle Plattform für Fotografie-Aufträge aus jedem Bereich wie z.B Werbe-, Hochzeit- oder Produktfotografie. Filtern Sie unsere grosse Auswahl an Fotografen, durchstöbern Sie die Portfolios, und Sie erhalten gratis Angebote für Ihr Fotoshooting. Einfach Preise vergleichen und das beste Angebot direkt mit einem Klick buchen. pixolum.com
Global Community Sponsor

has been a WordPress partner since 2005 and powers over one million WordPress sites. Their goal is to provide outstanding hosting services and customer support for the best possible price. Bluehost is also constantly innovating and upgrading their services and infrastructure at no additional cost to their customers. Join the millions of other website owners that have already chosen Bluehost and see how they can help you with your site. bluehost.com
WordCamp Multi-Event-Sponsor Level: Superb

GoDaddy’s mission is to radically shift the global economy toward small businesses by empowering people to easily start, confidently grow and successfully run their own ventures. With more than 12 million customers worldwide and 57 million domain names under management, GoDaddy gives small business owners the tools to name their idea, build a beautiful online presence, attract customers and manage their business. http://godaddy.com
WordCamp Multi-Event-Sponsor Level: Superb

offers premium hosting solutions to WordPress users worldwide. Whether it’s shared hosting, managed VPS, dedicated servers and much more, PlanetHoster’s customers report that these affordable, feature-packed hosting solutions exceed their expectations. Their certified engineers are very experienced with WordPress. They work hard to assure that your WordPress site will run very fast and will be hosted in a secure, 24/7 monitored environment. If you want to offer the best latency to your visitors by being hosted whether in Europe or in North America, PlanetHoster might be right for you. planethoster.net
WordCamp Multi-Event-Sponsor Level: Superb

WPML turns WordPress websites multilingual. It works with caching, SEO and E-Commerce plugins, and allows the building of complete multilingual sites. WPML powers simple blogs as well as corporate and enterprise sites.
WPML allows users to translate everything in the site, including content, menus, widgets and even theme and plugin texts. WPML powers over 400,000 commercial websites from all over the world.
More information about going multilingual can be found at WPML.org
WordCamp Multi-Event-Sponsor Level: Splendid
Contributor Day Space
Amazee Labs

Amazee Labs
With a team of 30 dedicated Drupalistas, Amazee Labs is a globally growing leader on building effective solutions with the CMF Drupal. Our veteran specialists develop medium to large-scale projects, ranging from ecommerce to media and community platforms. amazeelabs.com

Freshjobs is the job platform of the swiss web industry, built from and for web professionals. No matter if you are looking for a new job or talented people to hire, Freshjobs is well known in the community. To ensure quality standards every job offer is checked manually before it gets public. freshjobs.ch
Light + Byte AG

Light + Byte AG
As one of the leading distributors of professional Photo-, Video- and Digital-Equipment in Switzerland, Light + Byte provides us with the video equipment to record the sessions for WordCamp.tv.
Sticker Mule

Sticker Mule
As one of the fastest and easiest providers of custom stickers, Sticker Mule supported us with some awesome stickers for this years WordCamp.

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