WordPress Speed Optimierung – Performanceprobleme identifizieren und beheben
The new Swiss law on data protection (2023): Its impact on websites
On September 1, 2023, the new Swiss law on data protection will come into force. All Swiss websites will have to comply with it. This new law is inspired by the standards of the European GDPR, however, with important nuances, especially at the level of enforcement. Structure of this conference: A. Data protection – introduction…
WordPress & Design : et si on arrêtait de tout compliquer ?
Le Design a souvent eu le rôle du parent pauvre lorsqu’on travaille sur un projet WordPress. Entre une mauvaise connaissance du fonctionnement de WordPress par les uns et les autres, et une mauvaise communication entre les métiers impliqués dans un projet, il est difficile pour beaucoup de concevoir qu’un projet WordPress peut être à la…
SEO WooCommerce: let’s get that traffic, a use case
Every website needs traffic, right? A website without conversions is a bad investment for a company – and most probably means an unhappy client for you. What do you need to do on the tech side and what do you need to tell your client to do on the content side for a performant website…
WooCommerce, but faster!
In this talk, Remkus will cover everything about making WooCommerce faster. The things you have thought of, but also the things you have not thought of. Creating a fast and scalable site for high traffic influxes is something you can prepare for with ease, and Remkus’ talk will give you all the actionables you need.…
Wozu Design?
Farben – Schriften – Fotos – Verläufe – Linien – Zwischenräume – Buttons – Spalten – Schatten … Wo und wie platziere ich welche Elemente, und warum? Überblick über gestalterische Grundlagen, welche (auch!) fürs Web gelten.
WordPress, Wapuus and Web3
In September 2021 the team behind Web3 WP released the first Wapuu NFT (non-fungible token) collection. Wapuu is the lovable, open source, and (un)official mascot of WordPress. Wapuu swag has been created and collected at WordCamps around the world. Web3 WP built a generative art project of 2,222 unique Wapuus that can be minted as…
Intégrer votre site WordPress à l’écosystème client
A travers 5 cas concrets, nous allons voir comment intégrer un siteWordPress à l’écosystème client: ses processus, son systèmed’information (ERP, CRM) et ses applications métier.Quand et comment utiliser du développement WordPress, des solutionsnocode/lowcode, des SaaS, des APIs…
WordPress as Framework for REST-APIs, the secret Weapon
WordPress has had an interface for a REST API since version 4.7 (2016, 7years) and it is still highly underrated. Why is it there and why is it soimportant? What can you do with it? First question, why does this interface exist?The interface was intended from the beginning to display WordPress onother sites, for example larger…
How to automate your maintenance with Playwright
Let’s be honest. Maintaining and updating our projects is a necessary evil that no one really enjoys. Wouldn’t it be great if we could completely automate this process, while also offering our clients more security and transparency? As an end-to-end testing framework, that’s exactly what Playwright can offer. And if you overcome a few hurdles,…