WordCamp Switzerland 2023 took place on 1st April 2023 at:
Centre Loewenberg, Murten
What is a WordCamp?
WordCamps are non-profit events organised by community members on a voluntary basis. They are usually held annually, and allow users, developers, designers and other experts from all over the world to meet, exchange experience and knowledge, and socialise with their peers. We’re looking forward to welcoming participants to the Swiss Lakeland region for the next Swiss event.

Latest news
(Articles are translated into English, German and French.)
Why should you purchase your ticket to WordCamp Switzerland today?There are three good reasons for that. Pourquoi prendre ton billet pour le WordCamp Suisse aujourd’hui?Il y a trois bonnes raisons à cela. Weshalb du heute dein Ticket für das WordCamp Switzerland kaufen solltest.Es gibt drei gute Gründe dafür.
Here is the information about the schedule and the after-party, so that you can organise transport and accommodation. Voici les informations à propos de l’horaire et de la soirée “After-party”, afin que tu puisses d’organiser pour les transports et l’hébergement. Hier findest du einige Informationen zum WordCamp-Zeitplan, damit du deine Anreise und deine Unterkunft organisieren…
Get your ticket for WordCamp Switzerland 2023 now!We are releasing the second batch of tickets. If you know someone else who is interested in a ticket, do not hesitate to forward this information. Thank you very much. Achète ton billet pour le WordCamp Switzerland 2023 maintenant !Nous libérons le deuxième lot de billets. Si tu connais quelqu’un d’autre…
All WordCamp participants may also attend the Contributor Day for free! Even if you have never contributed before, there will be people at Contributor Day who can help you get started. Find out more here in English. Tous les participants au WordCamp peuvent également assister gratuitement à la Journée de contribution ! Même si tu…
WordCamps are non-profit events organized by community members on a voluntary basis. They could not happen without volunteers! Our call for volunteers is now open here in English. If you have any questions, then please get in touch. Les WordCamps sont des évènements à but non-lucratif organisés par des membres de la communauté de façon…