Get your ticket for WordCamp Switzerland 2023 now!
Wednesday, March 22th 2023 is the last day to buy a ticket.
The first name and last name will be provided to the Center Loewenberg for security reasons i.e. in case of a fire.
Your WordCamp ticket covers the conference with two tracks and many exciting speakers (in French, German and English) on Saturday April 1st, 2023.
Please sign up separately for contributor day if you wish to take part.
Price includes access to all sessions, lunch, coffee breaks and the after party. It also includes a t-shirt (in case you want one), stickers, and other great swag. From 27 February onwards, the T-shirt is not guaranteed
Speakers, sponsors and volunteers will receive a coupon for a free ticket.
Update 22 March: the ticket sale is now closed, please contact us in case of need or to request a modification on your ticket
Update 24 March: Center Loewenberg just agreed to add about 10 tickets, but we CANNOT take into account hotel room reservations, please reply “No” into that field.
Update 29 March: Sold out